

Logo designed in 2017

Bash Brothers Media is a film and media company located in Jackson, MS that put out a series titled “Between the Pines” in late 2018. Alex Gant and Rogue Design Studio were thrilled to be a part of the entire process, from the early stages, production, and throughout its continued growth into an audio and video sports reporting outlet.


link to films

link to website

What We Did

Logo Design | Website Design | Title Treatments | Film Aesthetic Creation | Tee Shirt Design | Brochure Design 

During production, all titles and text treatments where designed specifically to fit the style of each film. 

After the release of the films, Bash Brothers began focusing on their web presence and started hosting weekly video shows and podcasts and posting articles on Mississippi sports and happenings. Rogue Design Studios was there to redesign the website, product logos and graphics for the shows, and deal with additional marketing materials as the site grew. 

Not to brag, but being in the credits was pretty cool! Jon, Henry, and their expanded team have been great clients and presented us with some great creative experiences and challenges. Check them out at

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